kali Linux (GUL setting)

Fix 1: Easiest - GUI setting

This fix requires no fancy commands. You just have to go to Mouse & Touchpad settings and make appropriate changes. To go to the settings, you can either-
  • Press the windows key (on the lower bottom, Ctrl key, Function key, Windows key, Alt key), and type mouse in the search bar that shows up.
  • Click the activities button on the top left, and type mouse in the search bar that shows up.

Now, you should see something like this-
You can check the tap to click and two finger scroll options and your problem is solved.
If, however, you see something like this-
Then you have to use the next fixes, as the Mouse and Touchpad setting are useless for you.

Fix 2 : Tapping and reverse Scroll

If you are able to scroll just fine, but your touchpad is not registering the taps, then just type this command into the terminal-
synclient tapbutton1=1
This should enable tapping for you.

In my case, I had scrolling working without any problems, but I prefer natural scrolling, and that option wasn't there for me in mouse & touchpad settings. However, if you type synclient into the terminal, you see something like this-


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