An intoroduction to trojan

Most of you heard about the Trojans in History. Or I am pretty sure that you all have watched the movie "Troy" where Brad pitt is acting as "Achilles". Like in the movie, a trojan is something that looks like a safe bet, but once entered, they will be attached to the host system and starts to pull the plugs of your computer without your knowledge. The behaviour of trojans will be normally daemon. No one will knew it is there, but you will lose your valuable data without your knowledge. There are a variety of ways a trojan horse can look like.
  • 1) It can be some malicious instructions that are hided inside legitimate programs and can perform actions that are unknown and are unwanted by the user.
  • 2) A legit programs source has been altered by binding a Trojan to it. We can read the legits program as byte and then can append the trojans bytes after it. So with the help of a stub, one can easily execute this file. Once executed, the user will see the legit programs working normally and will never suspect that a trojan has also been entered into their system without his knowledge.
If you are executing the trojans in a restrictive environment like in a non-root user in UNIX system, the trojan maynot be able to function properly, although it can do "Some" fatal tasks . If it is executed in a windows environment, then as the windows security is more vulnerable as compared to UNIX, the trojans can perform almost all its functionality and can easily send you back to the stone age.


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